Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Endless Disease - Our Dawn Is The End

Band: Endless Disease
Album: Our Dawn Is The End
Year: 2010
Country: USA

FUCK this band is good. I am genuinely frustrated that this is the only recordings aside from live videos I can get a hold of. This is a band that, in my opinion is doing NecroCrust right! They have a really good balance of Dbeat and Blasting, as well as chugging riffage. Slow sections are not bypassed either adding an extra, sludgy dimension to proceedings. Endless Diseases sound could be described as horrifically bleak, ugly and destructive. There are no pretty quiet sections here! In these Texans book, build-ups are for pussys! right from start to finish this EP is booting you in the face with crust as fuck steel toe caps and raping you with an upside down, barbedwire, black metal crucifix. Another awesome thing about them is their savage vocals, which throughout have a delay effect on them. It might be to everyone's taste but I have always thought delay on black metal vocals sounds fucking BAD ASS. I really can't wait for their next release and if you like crust and black metal, I promise you will LOVE this.


Fall of Efrafa - Elil (2007)

Band: Fall of Efrafa
Album: Elil
Year: 2007
Country: UK

I haven't listened to an album as much as this in a good few years. I guess this isn't strictly NecroCrust but it still definitely has that Black Metal mood and atmosphere about it. When this band set out to make this album it didn't turn out like this by accident, they definitely knew exactly what they were going to do, and that was to create one of the most EPIC doom laden, crust albums ever. There is only 3 tracks on this album, I've noticed that recently doing that has sort of become a cool thing to do.A lot of bands are releasing albums that are just one hour long track but the reason so many bands are doing this is because of bands like Fall of Efrafa, they do it because the music calls for it, and a track that was any less than 15 minutes long would just be rushed. I am a person that really loves a good build up, and that is exactly what this band does best. And what goes best with clean guitar and building up drums? that's right! Richard Dawkins samples! But beware, you better brace yourselves for when you finally get your catharsis, the heaviness here is properly crushing. This album also features some of the slowest Dbeats I've ever heard, and that's not a bad thing! it may sound absurd but they are really effective, we've all heard fast Dbeats a thousand times so this is fresh as well as continuing the epic feel. Fall of Efrafa are definitely one of the best bands about at the moment and I strongly urge you to acquire this album and listen to it in its entirety.


Vestiges - The Decent of Man (2010)

Band: Vestiges
Album: The Decent of Man
Year: 2010
Country: USA

Really I doubt that there are many people who are properly into this new and innovative crust/black metal hybrid we call NecroCrust that don't already 'own' this album, but if you are new to this type of music then this album is DEFINITELY a good place to start. The first time I heard this I was totally blown away, it really does have everything you could want in dark music. From really serene and beautiful quiet sections that build, and build into apocalyptic doom filled riffage like a storm brooding in the sky that suddenly bursts open and scenes from the book of revelations pour out. To charging crust punk Dbeats that ride across the desolate landscape like the four horsemen of the apocalypse aided by amazing soaring harmonies.Lest we not forget the epic black metal sections that elevate your senses to a higher plane of billowing atmosphere. The album was written in the old school way - AS AN ALBUM. The band say that although the record/cd is split into different tracks, it was really written as one song, so do try to listen to it all in one go at least once as it truly is worth it. This album really is something to be reckoned with.

download here!

Fifteen Dead - NecroCrust EP (2011)

Band: Fifteen Dead
Album: NecroCrust EP
Year: 2011
Country: Scotland

Well, for the first post I thought it would be appropriate to post my own bands CD which, by amazing coincidence is entitled similarly to the blog's name! When people ask what we sound like I always say that we are a cross between Tragedy and Gorgoroth. I think a lot of punk bands who are influenced by black metal are just that, they are a punk band that has maybe a black metal mood or the odd blast beat thrown in so with my band I really wanted to play the two types of music simultaneously - thus, NecroCrust was born! I don't really want to say any more about my own band so here is a review from the very kind people at CVLT Nation -

Unholy boom-bastic motherfucking 666 wow…Fifteen Dead from Aberdeen, Scotland, are all the way live in my book. Damn, their new 3-song EP, NecroCrust, bleeds awesome from start to finish. This band has combined raw black metal with rage crust to come with a sound that just charges out of the speakers.NecroCrust as a collection of songs has no weak links; everything about these tunes kicks the ass of the capitalistic blood suckers that run this shitty world! The production on this record is perfect, it has an epic feel to it, but at the same time it rips your guts out. As songwriters, Fifteen Dead are spot on – I really dig the way that they whip you into a frenzy, but then will throw you off a cliff, letting you dive into a pit of stench-covered emotion. With NecroCrust, you will not be able to avoid the sonic wall of audio torture that this band is able to unleash. On the tune “Sunset” they have this wicked sample that’s a part of the song, but it’s the blackened riffs from Hades that will leave you wanting to hear more from this band. Also, Fifteen Dead have an ultra gnarly vocal attack – on every song they will draw you into their world of despair. I can’t put my finger on it, but this is so special, for some reason at times I feel like I’m listening to Bach or Mozart on some charred crust shit. I could not comprehend someone putting on their song “Coalition/Demolition” and not having their head explode with with stench bliss. I will make you a promise: this band will be featured on CVLT Nation Blackened Everything Vol.5. Make sure to support this band any way you know how, Fifteen Dead is example of why we do what we do here at CVLT Nation.

download here!

cheers loons!

Jamie Christ