Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Fall of Efrafa - Elil (2007)

Band: Fall of Efrafa
Album: Elil
Year: 2007
Country: UK

I haven't listened to an album as much as this in a good few years. I guess this isn't strictly NecroCrust but it still definitely has that Black Metal mood and atmosphere about it. When this band set out to make this album it didn't turn out like this by accident, they definitely knew exactly what they were going to do, and that was to create one of the most EPIC doom laden, crust albums ever. There is only 3 tracks on this album, I've noticed that recently doing that has sort of become a cool thing to do.A lot of bands are releasing albums that are just one hour long track but the reason so many bands are doing this is because of bands like Fall of Efrafa, they do it because the music calls for it, and a track that was any less than 15 minutes long would just be rushed. I am a person that really loves a good build up, and that is exactly what this band does best. And what goes best with clean guitar and building up drums? that's right! Richard Dawkins samples! But beware, you better brace yourselves for when you finally get your catharsis, the heaviness here is properly crushing. This album also features some of the slowest Dbeats I've ever heard, and that's not a bad thing! it may sound absurd but they are really effective, we've all heard fast Dbeats a thousand times so this is fresh as well as continuing the epic feel. Fall of Efrafa are definitely one of the best bands about at the moment and I strongly urge you to acquire this album and listen to it in its entirety.


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