Friday, 13 January 2012

Nadiwrath - Nihilistic Stench

This band are ace! Being a smelly crust punk, theres nothing I love more than an apocalyptic Dbeat. But one of my favorite things about this band is the fact that they actually don't use Dbeats, like everyone else does. In fact they use straightbeat a la The Exploited. Everyone that listens to crust started off on The Exploited and then to Discharge etc etc and since I'm actually from the same city as Wattie my love for them is even stronger. It is strange that using an older style of punk actually creates an effect that seems like fresh new take on the blackened punk genre. Musically they perfectly blend oldschool UK82 punk with mayhem style 90s black metal, I mean, whats not to like there!? Imagine looking at photos of the members of this band, they will HATE me for saying this but this band, to me, are like a fun version of blackened crust. Like when you stick on Alternative by the Exploited at a house party and everyone drunkenly moshes about and sings along, you could easily do this with Nadiwrath. I highly recommend. 

download here

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